Envisioning The Future
I have no doubt about the resillience of mankind. I have no doubt about the transformation that is occuring deep down in each one of the 7 billion human beings on this planet, this beautiful planet.
I have no doubt about the capacity or intellingence of this species to do good for itself and the world, fauna and flora and all of us who inhabit this home.
I have no doubt that the capacity for good is greater than the capacity to be submissive to evil or partake in the little evils of this world.
I have no doubt of the capacity for humankind to be benevolent towards each other and understanding of difference, respecting of culture and ability to reach out and get to know.
I have no doubt that there is a transformation, a deep transformation happening here, that requires the best of us all, and I have no doubt we all will rise to the occasion when the time is right.
I’ve been a part of many movements throughout my life, from activism to social voluntary work, and I’ve seen human ability for connection and compassion in the most harduous of places.
Despite all the hatred and division, there is love, connection and critical thinking.
Things are evolving at a much rapid pace than what it took before, because evolution thrives for survival and that is the issue here. We are evolving in order to become more in tune with the natural reality of this world, and rising to be part of it instead of trying to master it without understanding.
Dictators die, empires fall. The people always stand tall, that’s what history has taught us over and over again.
The solution for this globalized society, is to understand we need far less than we think we do. Would you give up your smartphone to save a life of a Congo miner? Would you abdicate part of your full fridge to feed someone hungry? Would you give your unneeded blankets to the homeless? Would you buy someone you don’t know a home, if they needed it? Deep down, we all want to do these things, we all want to connect to each other in meaningful ways.
That’s the future I know will happen. A future of real connection, of thriving in a world of being in tune with what’s natural in us, instead of the disconnection we have dealt with so far.
Reality has a way of revealing our own truths to us, regardless of what we want to believe. Reality has a way of showing it’s most needed presence, where we have to and need to go. Everything has a way of just happening, constantly giving us the choices to choose what’s best for ourselves and the world around us.
That’s the truth about this, we are here and we are alive, and I believe each of us makes a difference. What difference do you want to make?